A pleasant day to all of you. I want to share something that i think, help in expanding your knowledge about the word "happiness".
Happiness, a simple word yet full of various meanings. Several people say that happiness is a feeling where you already found your wants, your longings and your needs.
I've met different kind of people with different personalities. I asked them if they know the meaning of "happiness", but they have different answers. Some said that "happiness" is an ordinary reaction once you responded positively on something. Some told me that "happiness" is doing the right thing.
I understand why those people have different answers regarding the meaning of happiness. It's because we have our own perception about something and we must respect each other beliefs. But for me, happiness its not just an ordinary feeling but also a moment of contentment. I know it's quite annoying, but if you will look deeper into the word "happiness", you will realize the real meaning of it.
Whenever we have time to hang out with our friends we are exited about it which usually causes us to be happy, when we bought new gadgets, new clothes and new things, obviously, we feel very happy about it.
But, think of those things, they can only bring temporary happiness. See? It's true, I've expereinced it several times. But once you've learned how to be content with you have, you will soon find the real happiness you are searching for.
Sometimes we put too much passion on the biggest dream and priorities in life that we fail to love the smallest pleasures from simple things.We search so much for the right choices, for the right paths to walk through, for the right time and for the right reasons. But life isn't about searching for the things that can be found. It is about letting the unexpected happen and finding things you never search for.